The Elproma microprocessor Printfile Director, the PS-01-10S, offers you the possibility to control 10 printers with 1 PC. This new unit is provided with 1 parallel input and 10 parallel output ports. The output ports can be selected by a codeword send by the pop-up menu, which is installed on the PC. The PS-01-10S is housed in an attractive ABS case and equipped with an internal powersupply. PS-01-10S in a showroom: The PS-01-10S unit is a great solution for computer stores. With this unit it is very easy to show the output of 10 different printers without changing the printercables. The easy to use Printfile Director PS-01-10S let you print, print and print again. PS-01-10S in a warehouse: In a warehouse where different kind of documents are being used to prepare articles for shipment such as waybills, packing-slips, labels, customer declarations and invoices. In this situation you should attache more printers to a PC or you have to change the paper in the printers. With the PS-01-10S you can avoid this by connecting more printers with different forms to 1 PC and select automatically the printer you need. PS-01-10S with a file server: Another example is to connect the PS-01-10S to a file server in order to connect easily more printers to the network. With the PS-01-10S you can connect 10 printers to one output port of the file server without loss of the printing speed.
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