The DC-01-07 and DC-01-14 are Data Directors and port selectors which are built to direct computer data to max. 7 or 14 bidirectional ports. The ports can be connected to the serial ports of peripherals like printers, cash-registers, industrial devices etc. The DC series are microprocessor controlled selectors with 1 input and 7 outputs or 1 input and 14 outputs. The serial ports can be set for baudrate, word length, stopbit and parity. They are built in a professional shielded metal housing with internal powersupply. The port selection can be accomplished by means of a codeword or through a pop-up menu installed on the PC, providing easy selection of the required device. After selection a bidirectional data path has been created. The DC series can be used for all applications where a PC has to exchange data with different devices, controlled by the PC. A typical application is a supermarket where 1 to 14 cash-registers have to be connected to one PC. This can be done with a DC-01-07 or DC-01-14 depending on the number of cash-registers. It is now possible to select each of the cash-registers and to send new price information to the cash-register or retrieve statistical data from it. The DC-01-14 can be provided with different codewords, making it possible to cascade the units and consequently increase the number of selectable output ports. Other examples are the selection of industrial machines with PC input or the selection of printers, each with a different form (invoice, letter, packing-ship etc., etc.). YOU want more than 2 serial devices connected to 1 PC? YOU NEED THE ELPROMA DATA DIRECTOR!
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